Publication and acknowledgement guidelines


PTEN Research Foundation is committed to ensuring that the outcomes of the projects we support are shared widely. Our goal is to benefit other researchers in the field, foster collaboration, and catalyse advancements that can contribute to the development of new and improved treatments for PHTS. This commitment is also embedded into our standard grant terms and conditions.

This page also provides information to assist the host institution and principal investigator in fulfilling their responsibilities outlined in our standard grant terms and conditions regarding the dissemination of results from PTEN Research-funded grants.

Our requirements for publications as outlined in the PTEN Research standard grant terms and conditions

  • The outcomes of the grant activities must be published or otherwise disseminated in an appropriate form, although publication or release of findings funded by the grant may be delayed for a reasonable period to allow for protection of intellectual property.
  • We require that any material for publication or presentation concerning the grant activities (including manuscripts, posters, and abstracts) are shared with PTEN Research at least 30 days prior to publication or presentation. This is to ensure that any confidential information has been removed.
  • A copy of the final manuscript or abstract of all peer-reviewed research papers supported in whole or in part by the grant must be deposited in an open access archive such as PubMed Central or Europe PubMed Central, to be made freely available within six months of publication.
  • The host institution must notify PTEN Research as soon as practicable of any publicity (positive or otherwise) arising from or connected to the grant of which the host institution becomes aware of but has not initiated or permitted, including any publication, conference presentation, or other media and PR opportunities.
  • If publication or presentation of the grant-funded research is likely to attract significant publicity or controversy, the host institution must inform PTEN Research at least three months before submission of such publication or presentation so that press releases and a media strategy can be jointly formulated and implemented.

Acknowledging PTEN Research funding in published work and presentations

As per our grant terms and conditions, the host institution must ensure that PTEN Research is acknowledged in all publications, presentations and patent applications relating to the grant activities.

Examples of how to acknowledge PTEN Research funding in publications and/or presentations:

  • "This work has been funded by the PTEN Research Foundation, a charity governed by English law (charity number 117358) to Dr/Prof xx under grant number ABC-xx-yyy." (where ABC-xx-yyy is the Foundation’s grant code which can be found on the Grant Award Letter.)
  • Where work has been partly funded by the Foundation, please use “This work has been funded, in part, by the PTEN Research Foundation, a charity governed by English law (charity number 117358) to Dr/Prof xx under grant number ABC-xx-yyy.”

Use of the PTEN Research logo

In addition to acknowledging funding as outlined above, scientific posters, presentations, and written engagement or educational materials relating to grant activities must display the PTEN Research Foundation current logo.

As part of our standard grant terms and conditions, PTEN Research grants the host institution a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to use the PTEN Research name and logo solely for the purpose of use on scientific posters, presentations and written materials relating to grant activities. Any other use of the PTEN Research logo is forbidden.

The logo must be used without modifications. Ensure that the original proportions of the logo are maintained so that it does not become distorted in either height or width.

You can download our logo


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