Clinical outcome measures

Establishing appropriate and validated methods to measure clinical outcomes in individuals with PHTS is critical to the development of future therapies. Below, we have collated clinical outcome measures developed specifically for use in PHTS, with potential applicability also in other related conditions.

There are few well-validated measures that are appropriate for assessing the full range of neurobehavioral presentations in PHTS. Prof Tom Frazier from John Carroll University (US) with colleagues have developed two instruments consisting of an informant-report survey scale and a webcam collected social and cognitive performance measure (NCT05671107). Both instruments have been developed to assess the most important neurobehavioral domains in PHTS, and to be appropriate for use in the full range of individuals with PHTS.

These tools may also have utility in the assessment of other neurodevelopmental genetic syndromes and idiopathic neurodevelopment delay. 

This project received funding from PTEN Research.

For further information, please contact or the primary collaborator at Stanford University (US)

Frazier et al., 2023a, Frazier et al., 2023b